
Smart City Barcelona Feria Trade Show Design Barcelona Produccion KOA Evento Exposicion Hospitality Convencion

SCEWC – An international business hub
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To design and create the trade fair’s entire backdrop and resulting ambience. Design and production of all event areas: entrance, information point, cafe area, agoda, marketplace, hub and auditoriums
(client_FIRA Barcelona)

The concept behind these spaces was structured along two main axes: presenting an image of innovation and working sustainably in environmental terms. In addition, once the event ended, we applied the ‘circular economy system’, prioritizing the reuse and recycling of materials and other resources used.

Smart City Expo was an ideal place to present many of the latest aspects of policymaking in the respective cities, representing as they do a crossroads where innovation, sustainability, wellbeing, health and territorial cohesion all meet.


Convention / Production / Hospitality / Set Design / Experiential

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